Giving is not about making a donation. It is about making a difference.
The United Way of Utah County supports numerous programs to help in the community - influential programs such as helping inmates connect with their families while reforming, housing the homeless, providing free mental health services to children, giving families a Christmas when they can't afford it themselves, and so much more. These programs rely on the generous donations from community members like you. Join us today in helping to build a better future for our children and for our community.
Donations support children like Adia, who participates in South Franklin Community Center afterschool education programs. The community center offers Adia programs like reading club, music lessons, STEM club, and more. “Having school at home means she feels lonely, bored, and afraid of not learning enough. But continuing to take piano lessons gives her confidence, reassures her, and helps her continue to strive to learn at home” said Adia’s mother.
100% of your donation to United Way goes only to programs. Overhead costs are covered by generous donors.
EveryDay Support
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Basic Needs
Sub for Santa
Holiday assistance and resource connection for low-income families
2-1-1 Utah
Information helpline to connect community members to food, housing, health care, and transportation assistance
Community Action Services and Food Bank
Financial counseling services and food and housing assistance
Habitat for Humanity
Housing stability for low-income families through new home construction and home improvement
Self-Help Homes
Quality, affordable housing options for low-income families through mutual self-help construction
Services and support for adults with intellectual disabilities
Just for Kids
Educational and athletic activities and support for adults with disabilities
Centro Hispano
Education and referral services for bilingual members of the community
The Refuge Utah
Shelter and aftercare services for those experiencing domestic violence
Tabitha's Way
Local food pantries for those in need
Fuller Center for Housing
Builds and rehabilitates homes for people in need
Utah Valley Paratransit and Utah Valley Rides
Provides transportation for persons with disabilities and the elderly
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Out of Poverty
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Tax preparation services for low-income families
Digital Inclusion
Technology education services including computer help labs and computer donations
Mountainlands Continuum of Care
Coordination of organizations and resources to end homelessness in Utah County
Community Action Circles
Mentoring program to help families and individuals reach financial stability
Centro Hispano Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic
Tax assistance, education and representation for low-income community members
Timpanogos Legal Center
Free legal assistance for low-income families
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Mountainlands Community Health Center
Basic healthcare services for low-income families and individuals
Volunteer Care Clinic
Volunteer run healthcare clinic for uninsured families and individuals
Now I Can
Specialized physical therapy for children with disabilities
Community Health Connect
Specialized healthcare services for low-income families and individuals
EveryDay Learners
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Ready for School
Welcome Baby
Home visits, parenting classes, and playgroups for new parents
Help Me Grow Utah
Information and referral line that supports parents and child development
Kids Who Count
Early intervention and autism services for children in the Nebo School District
Kids on the Move
Early intervention and autism services for children in the Alpine School District
Easter Seals
Early intervention and autism services for children in the Provo School District
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South Franklin Community Center
Community center that provides connections, after school programs, and family activities
Women United
A women's group focused on children's education and emotional health
Bedtime Stories
A volunteer program that records inmates reading stories for their children
Project Read
One-on-one tutoring services for adults with low literacy skills
Kids Cause
Connects students with resources to meet their basic needs so they can focus on learning
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Big Brothers Big Sisters
One-on-one youth mentoring
Teens Act
Mentoring program to help students graduate from high school and go on to higher education
Ella Rises
Inspire Latina youth with hope, confidence, and purpose; to continue their education, become community leaders, and preserve their cultural heritage
EveryDay Strong
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Family Support Crisis Nursery
Free respite and crisis child care services for families in need
Family Haven
Counseling services, prevention training, and crisis nursery for for children and adults experiencing abuse, trauma, or other personal challenges
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Bridle Up Hope
Equestrian therapy for young women dealing with anxiety, depression, or trauma
Alpine House
A transitional home for those suffering from mental illness
Family Support Therapy
Counseling services for children and adults experiencing abuse, trauma, or other personal challenges
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EveryDay Strong
Resiliency training for parents and other caring adults to address anxiety and depression in youth
Hope 4 Utah
Youth suicide prevention through peer-to-peer training
Family Support Parenting Education
Parenting courses and in-home visits
Family Support Education and Resilience
Personal safety education for children and trauma resilience training for adults